VASER Liposuction: Everything You Need to Know

Liposuction is a cosmetic treatment used to remove fat deposits from beneath the skin. VASER liposuction is a form of liposuction that breaks up fat cells and loosens them from your deeper tissues to remove the fat cells more efficiently throughout the procedure.

 The abbreviation VASER stands for vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance. This ultrasonic technique utilizes high-energy pulses to break down the connections between fat cells. VASER liposuction is a more regulated and mild cosmetic surgery that requires a trained and experienced practitioner to perform appropriately. If you’re in good health and don’t smoke or have a history of bleeding problems, you could be a good candidate for liposuction.

 Liposuction is not regarded as a weight-loss procedure. People who have the best outcomes with VASER liposuction, or any form of liposuction, are already 15 pounds under their optimum weight. This technique is intended for those who want to address specific fat deposits while revealing the muscular tone below.

Long Recuperation Time

Many patients are concerned about the duration of the VASER lipo recovery time. Most patients, however, discover that the recovery and discomfort aren’t as severe as they feared. Most patients return to most routine activities or employment in as little as 48 hours, or three to seven days. While everyone’s recovery process is different, most individuals should anticipate taking at least a week off to relax and recover.

 You’ll need to wear a compression garment for a few weeks during recovery to help you recuperate. Your recovery time and experience will be influenced by any other cosmetic treatments you may have. Your surgeon will walk you through the process and provide advice on managing your discomfort after the surgery.

 The most frequent side effects are swelling, bruising, and pain around the treatment sites, which are not caused worry. It may take four to six weeks for you to resume exercising or engaging in vigorous exercise.